Zero Carbon

June 22, 2022

Conference Care’s Carbon Consultancy Celebrates 20 successful projects, new logo and launch of new website

Conference Care launched Carbon Consultancy in October 2021, following over a year of planning and development. Using our own carbon calculator – which has been assessed and validated by independent experts Carbon Footprint Ltd.

The consultancy process involves several stages including gathering initial data from the event organiser and participants, to produce an estimated footprint. Travel data will be included, taking into account any travel offset programmes in place. Analysis of the results will be followed up by a detailed interim report, and a meeting making recommendations which specifically aim to reduce emissions at source. Once the event has taken place, the carbon footprint will be recalculated based on final data provided, and the impact of these changes assessed. The Carbon generated can be offset and certified through a bespoke portfolio of Verified Carbon Standard projects or through a clients’ own offsetting programme.

Director Chris Peacock said “We set out to offer the first, most accurate measurement tool possible. Events are complex, which means that your measurement tool has to be equally sophisticated. With our background in event logistics, the data gathering process is really streamlined and easy to follow. I think that organisers can be blinded by the sheer volume of information available generally…. but with no means to collect or measure the data needed, sustainability can fall by the wayside rather than being the priority it needs to be. With over 20 projects completed, we’ve helped organisations to evaluate their impact, make real reductions and build sustainability into their future decision making and strategies.”

Speaking about the new website, he added “Carbon Consultancy is a completely separate wing of the company and deserves its own presence on the web. Everything is laid out simply with clear up-front pricing. What’s the cost of measurement and consultancy from start to finish? Often less than £1 per attendee.”

Dan Hill-Morriss of Carbon Footprint Ltd added “Understanding the carbon impact of any event can be a complicated and challenging task.  Conference Care’s new Carbon Consultancy service, including the event footprint calculator tool, will take the pain out of this exercise for their customers and encourage more event organisers to take account of the impact and make a positive contribution to addressing climate change.  With the calculator validated to the NCOS Protocol, DEFRA Reporting Guidelines and the Carbon Footprint Standard, customers can rest assured that the calculations will be as accurate and credible as possible.”

For more information, make an enquiry or book a demonstration visit